
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

What a year - Here come more changes

I really cannot believe it's been over a year since I've gotten around to writing a new blog post.

A lot has happened.

November of 2014 I started caring for a family of two boys before I was able to get licensed for daycare. Come April of 2015 I finally got my license after eight months of hard work to get the training I needed and my home up to par. Once I was licensed I had three more kiddos join us at Nature Sprouts! It felt so good to have everything come together and start my own business. Though, it hasn't gone the way I had envisioned or hoped.

I knew it would take some adjusting for as all to get used to. Especially for my kids. My oldest did just fine with all of it but over the summer I had a lot of guilt towards my new business because he was spending WAY more time in front of a screen than I would have liked and when he wasn't in front of a screen he was really bored.

My youngest (2 years old at the time and now 3) did just fine at the beginning when I was just caring for two kids but when I became licensed and the others started, he became miserable. He started screaming at everyone over everything and then the screaming escalated to hitting and shoving. He would have really awful days where it was a constant struggle to keep him happy and then he would have some days where things were fine. Not perfect. But fine. I could handle those days. I could not handle the bad days.

I started to realize that my child was becoming unrecognizable during the week. We'd have our fun-loving, goofy little guy on the weekends and then during the week he was swapped out with a very stressed, unpredictable child. I began to miss my own kid when I was in the same house with him all day, every day. To maintain as mellow and quiet of an environment as possible, I plopped him in front of the TV in my room way more often than I would like to admit. I had a no TV daycare. Yet I was allowing my child to watch hours of TV a day just to keep my sanity.

This was not working. This is not how I want my child to go through his childhood. He was miserable, which would make me feel miserable and it started to turn our house and family life upside down. No amount of money was worth this to me.

I have decided to call it quits. Come November 25th (or sooner if the daycare families choose to go elsewhere before then) Nature Sprouts will be no more.

It has been incredibly difficult to accept the fact that my business has failed. Honestly, this is the third (fourth?) thing I've tried to do with my life and again it has not worked out. But, I had to do what was best for my family.

Who knows where life will take us now..


  1. Don't think of it as a failure. It's a lesson learned. You had no way to guess the way it would affect your son. You are making the right choice for your child. It may feel like a defeat now but it is really a victory that you are strong enough to do what is best for your family.

  2. I agree with Sami. Don't look at it as a failure. Daycare in the home is hard on everyone living in the household. My kids were 3 & 7 when I started daycare as well. My younger one was my worst "daycare" child. When my kids were in daycare, the provider's kids were the worst. I honestly thought that they were brats. Come to find out, that it is usually the provider's own children who are the most difficult. They are sharing their mom, their home, their toys, etc. What parents who are perusing daycare don't realize is that it is very difficult on the provider's children, marriage and very hard on the house. It was always important for me to make sure that my children had their bedroom's off limits to daycare. Rules have changed now making that difficult as well. Good for you for giving it your all, I know how excited you were to make it work but choosing your own family is the most important thing. If you decide in the future to give it a whirl when your own children are both in school, it will be much easier, but most providers start the business to be home with their children. Again, good for you for recognizing that your family comes first!

  3. Your children are only young once. I am sure you have noticed that once Levi got in school, its liked time with him is flying. Don't rush this time , enjoy you boys while you can. As they make friends, and begin play dates, they become little independent beings.

  4. Your children are only young once. I am sure you have noticed that once Levi got in school, its liked time with him is flying. Don't rush this time , enjoy you boys while you can. As they make friends, and begin play dates, they become little independent beings.

  5. Don't let yourself get down and discouraged. Keep fighting! Find your next venture and use your past experiences as stepping stones to make your next endeavor that much better! Personally, I've bounced around and have worked for various companies in many different industries. I could never seem to find my calling. However, I started working for KW Insurance several years back and have never looked back! :) Turns out, I love working with first-time homeowners and helping them find the best home insurance coverage for them and their families. Keep fighting and you'll succeed!

    - Jaclyn
    KW Home Insurance
