
Thursday, November 15, 2018

Thank you, universe.

About a month ago I was standing in the checkout line at our small neighborhood grocery store. It was during the day and in the middle of the week. I only had two items in my hands and I was scrolling through Facebook when I heard a older man say, "We should let her go in front of us. It looks like she's still busy working and we're just retired." I look up and realize it's the man in front of me and he's talking to another older lady with a full cart that's also in front of me but he's referring to ME - the lady "still busy working". I was totally caught off guard and responded with, "Oh, no. I don't work. I'm a stay at home mom. No rush here!" He said, "Are your kids at home enjoying this weather and running around outside?!" I say, "Oh! Um.. no. They're actually at school." And then it really hit me.. I'm no stay at home mom anymore.. Because in my mind that requires kids being home. My title now is pretty much 'housewife'.. [Insert cringe face here]

It's the middle of November 2018 and clearly life has changed a lot since my last post in FEBRUARY.. most of the change has actually happened within the last few months.

My husband was given the go ahead from his new position at work to start working from home [basically] whenever he wants.

In August we started hosting an intern for our kiddos school. A 22 year old guy from Madrid, Spain. He'll be living with us until the middle of January so we're more than halfway through our first hosting experience. More on that in another post!

Our youngest turned 6 and started kindergarten at a spanish immersion. He loves school and is taking to it so much better than his older brother did 5 years ago. The transition with him has been easy peasy!

Our oldest recently hit the double digits - 10! How in the world have I been a mom for an entire decade already?!

And for me? I have been trying to figure my shit out since September..

Believe it or not, I've been staying really busy with both of the kids in school. A lot has been popping up left and right (painting our house, doctors appointments, sickness, replacing major household appliances, volunteering at the kids school) and I have not yet felt like I've been able to press pause on everything and prioritize getting a job.

Reasons why I'm not running off to get a job:

-We're doing good with one income.
-I do 90% of the chores and the shopping while everyone is gone so that when the evenings and weekends hit we can be together to relax and have fun.
-I'm available at the drop of a hat for sicknesses and helping out whenever and wherever needed for my entire family (not just immediate).
-My stress level (and I believe I can say the same for my husband's stress level) is at an all time low.

I've contemplated getting a job within the school district in a part time position like an elementary school kitchen (hours within my kids school hours and days off that they have off) but my gut has continued to tell me 'Not now. Now isn't the time'. With no further explanation but this gut feeling to just not do anything quite yet..

I'm a firm believer in the universe sending you signs/feelings and sometimes you just need to sit back, open your eyes, trust your gut and trust what direction it's all pointing you in.

Which leads me to what I came across on my daily Facebook memories recently..

5 years ago I posted this status: Can I just become a doula already?! I don't mean to rush my life away but I just want it to be 5 years from now so I can do what I feel I was put on earth to do!

& I haven't stopped thinking about it ever since.

Thank you, universe. I'm taking that as a huge freaking sign and exactly what I needed right now.

Stay tuned <3

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