
Thursday, June 6, 2013

"You're the plainest one here."

I was at work one day shampooing a clients hair when the receptionist was folding towels and said to me "You know what I love about you? You're the plainest one here." Um, what? Was I supposed to be flattered or offended? I gave a short little laugh and said "Thanks?". It's the running joke at work and maybe I should add that this receptionist was let go (for other reasons).

It's totally true though. I am plain. You wouldn't look at me and pin me for a hairstylist like you can for 80% of people in the industry. My hair is colored to my natural, my make up consists of mascara, natural eye shadow and touching up my eyebrows. I will wear foundation maybe once a month and a little more often than that will I actually put on eyeliner. I'm lucky if I can put a few pins in my hair to wear it up before going to work but it's usually just air dry and go. When I'm not working it's in a pony tail. My last haircut? 5 months ago. Maybe more. I am completely low maintenance. It hasn't always been this way though.

When I was a junior and senior in high school I had to be as tan as possible, I overused tooth whitening strips, I was constantly changing up the look of my hair and getting my nails done. When I look back on pictures I miss being that well maintained but I'm content with the title of "plainest one here" because the trade off is being a mother of two.

In the last few years I have given up tanning beds and don't step foot in the sun without sunblock on. Why? Because I have two little kids that I want to be around for as long as possible. With family history and my history in the sun why would I risk getting skin cancer and possibly leaving my kids behind? It's just not worth it to me. Same goes for my old smoking habit. I loved it. I really did love smoking. The social aspect of it, the little breaks in my day, how it melted my stress away.. but it was no longer worth it.

It all boils down to my kids. They are the reason why I am plain and I'm more than okay with that. I'd rather be at home spending time with them than getting my hair or nails done and I'd rather spend my money on things for them than on white strips.

When I look back on pictures of myself during these years and I come across a good one I know I will be pleased in the fact that it was probably taken on a day that I was able to squeeze in a shower and throw a little mascara on and not because I had spent hours in a tanning bed, $40 on white strips and 45 minutes doing my hair and makeup.


  1. I refuse to tan anymore also even though I am very pale. I already had two abnormal moles removed from my tanning bed days and I don't plan on getting any more removed. You are exactly right, it just isn't worth it any more. I want to be around for a long time for my kids.
    Most days I don't even put any makeup anymore. If I find time to get a hair cut I feel like I have been pampered.
    I don't think you could ever be considered "plain" though, how about natural?

    1. Natural is a good word! I too have had a mole removed and I was so nervous waiting for the results. I never want to go through that again!

  2. I absolutely LOVE this post. I couldn't agree more. The days that I do shower and actually DO my hair and make-up are few and far between. If a day isn't "make-up worthy" why waste the make-up on it? There's nothing wrong with being plain at all :) It makes you who you are and it shows that you know what's important in your life. I love that about you! And just for the record, you're an amazing writer. You were meant to be a blogger. This post read just like a story I'd download on my Kindle and I couldn't help but keep reading until I got to the end :)

    1. Thanks hun! What a great compliment! You just made my night! I agree that there's nothing wrong with being plain and I also don't like wasting makeup ;-)

  3. Hey lady!

    I found your blog through Chelsea! I just LOVE this post and could not agree more. I may not be a mother, but I think I can relate because I'm a teenager who doesn't want to "fit in." I've been called plain and even boring - but you know, I don't really have a problem with it. :) Everyone else's impression of me isn't important as long as I'm happy with the person I am and the choices I'm making at the end of the day. :)

    Also - I could not agree with Chels more. :) You are a natural blogger, my friend!


    1. I'm so glad to hear that you can relate! That's one of the biggest reasons why I've started blogging.. To know you aren't alone! It's so great that you have it in yourself to stand behind who you are and not let others bring you down. Thank you for your wonderful compliment! It means a lot and I'm glad Chelsea led you to me :-)

  4. If plain means, you add inspiration to my daily thought to be myself& shine with the natural beauty I was blessed with...plain is beautiful! After only knowing you for a short time,I envy the confidence you hold within your natural beauty& motherhood...

    1. Plain IS beautiful! I totally agree. I guess I never considered myself to have confidence. Especially in those two areas of my life. It's great to hear that you see that in me. It's definitely something I want to model for my kids and hope that they have it in themselves too! Thanks Amber :-) You're a great woman and I hope we keep getting to know each other even more.

    2. I spend at least 45 mins doing my hair and makeup to

  5. You're very welcome! I'm glad you liked it and I LOVE your thoughts on it! You are so so right.
